Persimmons with Coconut & Almonds


Persimmons are my candy. I have my future mother-in-law to thank. Going over to my fiance's parents' house in December is like walking into an episode of Persimmon Hoarders.

I had my first-ever persimmon there a few months ago. I realize this is ridiculous, but I had never even seen one before. Now, they will be a staple in my fruit bowl every winter forever and ever.

For the uninitiated, persimmons are an Asian fruit that looks like a tomato, but has the texture that's more like a firm peach. I peel them usually, but it's not necessary. There's no annoying seeds or pits, so you just remove the leafy top (usually pulling is enough, but you can also cut around it) and slice the thing up.

Persimmons in a bowl at my in-laws' house.

Persimmons in a bowl at my in-laws' house.

Persimmons are in season November-February and the best place to buy them cheaply is the Asian grocery store (Dragon Star is my jam). Or right now they have them at Trader Joe's for 69 cents each. If you buy all-organic all the time, then you can find them at Whole Foods, but the quality was surprisingly low when I bought some there last week.

I thought I'd start the year off with the healthiest and prettiest dessert featuring my favorite winter fruit. No cooking, mixing or food processing required.

Persimmons with Coconut & Almonds

  • Persimmons, peeled and sliced
  • Coconut flakes (toasted if you prefer!)
  • Sliced or silvered almonds (toasted if you prefer!)

Put it together and EAT.


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